Montgomery Soil Conservation District
Montgomery County, Maryland
Board of Supervisor Nomination Information
The Montgomery Soil Conservation District is currently accepting applications to join our Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors is made up of 5 people that support the activities of the District. Supervisors should be interested and knowledgeable in the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources and shall be persons who are by training and experience qualified to perform the specialized skilled services which will be required of them in the performance of their duties, dictated by state law.
Details Below:
-must be a resident of Montgomery County
-this will be a 5 year appointment
-required to attend at least 50% of meetings either in-person or virtually
-have a willingness to attend 2 outside meetings with our partnership through the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts
-does not receive a salary but does receive a per diem dictated by the State Soil Conservation Committee
-will be required to take an Oath of Office before the Clerk of Courts
More Information, along with the application, can be found on our website.