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Program Announcements

Programs are periodically offered by the MDA and NRCS to assist producers with financing, operations, and other items. Check here for deadlines and more information, or look at the main websites for either office.

Nutrient Management Updates


Extension Nutrient Management Update


We are still writing plans!
To request a plan, please complete the request form
below and email it to
Please ensure you have current soil, manure/organic amendment, and/or tissue tests,
as well as crop and livestock information.

You will be contacted by either Kamil Rosales, Carroll County Nutrient
Management Advisor, or Amanda Laudwein, Interim Montgomery County Nutrient
Management Advisor.









The following details were presented at the July 17, 2023 Nutrient Management Plan- Writing Summit:  


​Framework of Tentative New Agreement:

  • ​MDA and UMD will enter into a 3 year MOU to continue funding UMD Nutrient Management plan writers to be renewed annually, contingent upon funding;

  • The new program will be administered day-to-day by UMD Extension.

​Funding & Staffing:

  • ​Both MDA and UMD will seek more permanent funding to sustain the program. Currently, the program is funded primarily by the EPA;

  • The UMD will seek ways to increase salaries and offer benefits for plan writers. Currently, UMD plan writers are hired on a contractual basis because of the uncertainty of continued annual funding by EPA. 

​Nutrient Management (NuMan) Software improvement: 

  • Build a more modern software program that helps our industry meet its environmental stewardship roles by ensuring better inclusion of today’s modern agricultural production systems, incorporation of the latest research, and incorporating web-based accessibility on a variety of devices.

​New Nutrient Management Oversight Committee:

  • ​MDA and UMD will form an oversight committee, chaired by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Dean of UMD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources,​ to:

    • ​Oversee the plan writers

    • Draft annual reports on the program that include data such as number of engaged farms/farmers, number of plans developed, acres represented by plans, and reduction of pounds of nitrogen and phosphorus entering waterways as a result of the plans;

    • Set goals for increasing the percentage of plans written through UMD.

​Expanded Training Opportunities:

  • ​MDA will hire a NM Training Coordinator;

  • More training opportunities will be available for both Farmer Training Certification (FTC) and  developing and delivering classes for consultants;

  • Develop online training modules.


  • UMD will work with MDA to develop educational programs directed to producers to encourage greater participation in the Nutrient Management Program.

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Montgomery Soil Conservation District

18410 Muncaster Rd

Derwood, MD 20855


Copyright 2019-2022. Montgomery Soil Conservation District - All rights reserved.


8:00am - 4:30pm

Monday -Friday

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